6002 a.c. Illetes (Ítaca). La playa donde nos conocimos. La partida de Ulysses.

"Explosiones de luz celebran mi partida. La estela de mi psiconave, ya a penas se ve en el cielo del ocaso...pero se ve...solo ella puede verla.... como aferrándose a su blancura etérea...Hasta luego... mi Amor"

miércoles, 19 de septiembre de 2007

Give me Good Times...

...with my baby
of course

You don't even have to try
It comes easy for you
The way you move is so appealing
It could make me cry
Go out driving with my friends
In Bobby's big old beat up car
I'm with a lot of people then
I wonder where you are

Good times, bad times, give me some of that
Good times, bad times, give me some of that
Good times, bad times

I don't want to say goodbye
Don't want to walk you to the door
I spend a little time with you
I want a little more

Good times, bad times, give me some of that
Good times, bad times, give me some of that
Good times, bad times, give me some of that

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S O L A R I S, origen de vida. Somos simples cúmulos de polvo solar...con conciencia.